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Are you Eating the Right Fat?

Fat is a vital component to a balanced diet and is a requirement in order for the body to function properly. But TOO much or the WRONG...

Break Your Covid-Coping Habits

Have you fallen into an unhealthy groove these last two years, trying to survive the 1st, 2nd and 3rd wave? Then during the 4th and 5th...

Unplug from being Online

We are spending more time online and on screens now more than ever before. After working a full day online, we often read news online,...

Get your D

Vitamin D is more that just the sunshine vitamin. Yes, it helps strengthen our bones, but it also regulates our blood sugar and supports...

Happy Hallowe’en

Save the pumpkin seeds when you carve your jack-o-lanterns. Oven-roasted pumpkin seeds are a great source of zinc and fibre that support...

Need to Catch Some Sleep?

We all know sleep is really important, but a lot of us are finding it's a challenge getting a solid nights sleep in these difficult...

Happy Earth Day 2020!

It's Earth Day - Let's all unplug this evening by turning off our cell phones, computers, televisions and lights. Instead, you and your...

What are you learning about yourself?

What are you learning about yourself during this time of physical distancing? - Are you an introvert or extrovert? - Were you sleep...

Create a Hobby Wish List

Now that we are getting into the groove of physically distancing ourselves, ask yourself if there are any new or old hobbies you would...

What we are experiencing is grief

It has only been a couple of weeks of physical isolation and worry, but each day feels as though it's been a week long. The emotions we...

Immunology 101

Take a listen to this podcast from The Daily for a lesson in immunology.

Keep yourself informed

The City of Hamilton is posting daily updates on COVID-19. Please keep yourself informed Hamilton. You can find the updates here.

Virus Anxiety Toolbox

We all need to stay healthy right now, but anxiety will make us feel worse. Check out this Virus Anxiety Toolbox to “Stay Calm and Carry...

Personal Hygiene is Imperative

Please wash your hands often - whether you use warm soap and water for 20 seconds (about the time it takes to sing your 'ABCs' or 'Happy...

Bowen for your aches and pains

Bowen therapy is a gentle hands-on therapy to treat sprains, strains, back pain, headaches , carpal tunnel, and more. It has long-lasting...

Are you in Toxin Overload?

Do you have persistent brain-fog, lack of focus, mental clarity, even migraines? Do you have ongoing fatigue, muscle aches or pains,...

Exercise to prevent dementia

Exercise is important on so many levels. More specifically it can help prevent dementia. When we have good circulation to our brain, all...

Blog: Blog2
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